If you want to be in the game long term, first think about employees, skilled employees, well educated employeees, especially knowing that going forward will be relying so much on very advanced technologies and quick changes of business models for many industries and businesses.
Adam Krasoń
It is not just capital and ideas that cross borders, it’s also people. When you walk into a company headquarters there is no longer any expectation that the C-level executives or anyone else will be from that actual country. The beauty of this is that it creates ecosystems which are fluid.
Ratko Mutavdzic
Maciej Majewski
CEO and head of acceleration, Accelpoint Poland
More advanced start-up ecosystems in the West were able to raise more funds and build institutional capacity and expertise that can add value to the CEE deals. Plus, non-CEE deep tech-focused VCs are more open to obvious risks and more extended payback periods.
Darius Maikstenas
CEO and Chairman of the Board, Ignitis Group
Strong government and private investment is required more than ever to empower R&D and new commercially successful applications as early as possible.